The Personal Products Bank, located at the HALL SPACE located at 310 Central Avenue, Fort Erie, provides personal and household hygiene products.
We continue to create partnerships to enable as many people as possible to be served.
Moving forward – distribution dates are :
- June 12 from 11: 30 AM to 12: 30 PM
- July 10 from 11: 30 AM to 12: 30 PM
- August 14 from 11: 30 AM to 12: 30 PM
Did you know? Fort Erie has a higher percentage of people who are over 65 than many other areas in Canada. 23.74% of the population of Fort Erie are over 65, many of whom live on low incomes.
This project supports a powerful collective impact movement.
We have learned that to end poverty, it takes the whole community and our entire country working together.
Can you help? Contact us at